During the Spieker Point Inc. open house, Walter Schwabe from FusedLogic TV interviews Idris Fashan from RedPaperClip about analytics in the content marketing industry.


Walter Schwabe:

“We’re here at Spieker Point Software Engineering and Solutions at their open house and eighth anniversary. Thank you for joining us at FusedLogic TV. I’m your host Walter Schwabe. I’m joined on set now by Idris Fashan from RedPaperClip. He’s joined us to talk a little bit about analytics talk a little bit about Google. So let’s talk about content marketing and how important analytics is to that whole process.”

Idris Fashan:

“Well content marketing has done a very major shift in the last five to six years. Early on people were using content specifically on web sites as sort of static information we weren’t seeing the same kind of movement of content transversing from medium to medium, message to message, person to person. People were using let’s say HTML pages that were just specifically that content now a days content has shifted so much we have content that is static that should be preserved and then we have content that needs to be shared and in order for that to move about it needs to be seen but in order for it to be seen it needs to be tracked.”

Walter Schwabe:


Idris Fashan:

“And knowing that we have you know cell phones iPads all these different devices everything that we do is tracked and what we choose to do with that data that’s tracking it can mean whether that is successful content that we’re sharing or unsuccessful content that we’re sharing.”

Walter Schwabe:

“So it helps you to target audiences. It helps businesses identify opportunities.”

Idris Fashan:

“And even within those businesses within their intranets it helps them to secure and sequester what kind of work they want to be doing within the company what kind of effort do they want to be focusing on. Like when you look at medicine for example that gets very weighted on content management and so using analytics helps them to alleviate some of the workload.”

Walter Schwabe:

“Let’s talk a little bit about Google and search engine optimization just quickly. Obviously if you’re tracking content search engines play a major role in that and Google’s forever changing their algorithms talk about what’s happened this year.”

Idris Fashan:

“A lot has happened. I like to think about Google as sort of people think about search and they just think SEO. That’s one component of your entire diaspora of content. Google is almost like a car and the upgrades that happen to its algorithms are like taking parts of the engine out and replacing them with something else. This year for example they’ve got what they call Hummingbird which is a completely different rework of content. So for example I’ll take out my phone you know it’s not on right now but of course I would take out my phone yesterday I said Google where can I buy an iPhone S because I love Apple. And instead of it just saying, content, apple, 5S, buy, which would have given me a bunch of online places to buy it as well as brick and mortar places it knew I was driving it knew that I was on my phone and it knew it was voice so it’s context as well as content.”

Walter Schwabe:

“Yeah that’s a big change.”

Idris Fashan:

“Yeah it’s giving me the actual places nearby the traffic and how it would be closest. So all of a sudden it completely shifts how content is being received and absorbed and analysed. Hummingbird is like putting a whole new engine in your car and driving a lot faster.”

Walter Schwabe:

“Idris thank you so much for joining us on FusedLogic TV. We’ve been speaking with Idris Fashan. FusedLogic TV on location at Spieker Point. Stay tuned.”